
发布于 2021-08-14 16:41 ,所属分类:大学英语学习资料



A. 49.

B. 22.

C. 18.

D. 36.


A. The men?x-oss-process=image/format,webp" style="max-width:100%">

B. The 1,500-meter freestyle for women.

C. The mixed gender swimming relay race.

D. The baseball.


The International Olympic Committee, or IOC, added 18 new events to the Tokyo Games in a push toward gender equity. There are an equal number of women and men for every sport, aside from baseball and softball because of different team sizes. The IOC said 49 percent of athletes in Tokyo are women. That is up from 45 percent at the last Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. The IOC said that when women began competing in the 1900 Paris Olympics, there were only 22 out of 997 total athletes. "Tokyo 2020 is predicted to be the most gender equal yet with female participation," the IOC said. Closing the gender difference is an important issue for many women. Concerns about equity got attention at this year's NCAA college basketball championship. People on social media became upset when images showed how the women's teams had less equipment than men's teams. The new chances for women at the Olympics come in several sports. In water polo, two additional teams were added, for a total of 10. Britain is sending more women than men to the Olympics for the first time. Gains for women in many cases meant fewer spots for men. Boxing has 100 women competing in five weight groups. That is an increase from 36 women in three weight groups at the Games in Rio de Janeiro. Two men's groups were lost. Weightlifting this year is equal at seven teams for both men and women. But that was possible only by dropping one men's team. Women's canoeing was added. Two men's canoeing events were dropped. Not every addition hurt men's sports. Swimming added the 1,500-meter freestyle for women. But the men's 800 freestyle swim was brought back for the first time since 1904. This year, there will be the first mixed gender relay race. Five new sports were added this year: baseball, softball, karate, skateboarding, sports climbing and surfing. The IOC made sure to have equal numbers of men and women.

Question 1: According to the news report, how many new events were added by the International Olympic Committee 18 to the Tokyo Games in a push toward gender equity?

Question 2: According to the news report, which of the following was brought back to the Tokyo Games for the first time since 1904?


1. canoe: a small, light, narrow boat, pointed at both ends and moved using a paddle (= a short pole with a flat blade) 独木舟,划子,皮划


据日本《产经新闻》消息,北京时间23日晚,东京奥运会开幕式正式开始。本届奥运开幕式的理念为“United by Emotion(情同与共)”,释放出“男女平等”信号。国际奥组委也决定从本次奥运会起,允许每个代表团派出2名(一男一女)运动员担任旗手,推进国际奥委会倡导的性别平等原则。本届东京奥运会开幕式入场仪式上,大部分国家和地区都采纳了这此次新规则,由两名运动员担任旗手。而宣誓环节中,宣誓人数从3人增加到6人,包括2名运动员、2名教练员和2名裁判员。宣誓内容也体现了性别平等原则,加入“共生”、“消除歧视”等文字。据悉,首次有女性参加的奥运会是1900年的巴黎奥运会。到1965年的东京奥运会,女性运动员仅占全部运动员的13%,此后女选手慢慢增加。本次东京奥运会的女选手比例将占到48.8%。(背景知识来自于https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1706085418873367820&wfr=spider&for=pc)


Question 1: C

Question 2: A
