北师大.高中.英语.必修一.UNIT3.topic talk

发布于 2021-11-05 15:38 ,所属分类:中小学英语考试学习资料

1.occasion /əˈkeɪʒn/ n.重要的社交活动;时刻,时候

on one occasion 有一次,曾经

on the occasion值此,适逢

on the occasion of 在…场合,值之际

on that occasion那时;在那种情况下

on occasion偶尔

take occasion抓住时机

have occasion to…表示“有……的必要”

have no/little occasion to表示“没有……的必要”。此时occasion前面不能用冠词an或the。

occasional adj.偶尔的;不经常的;特殊场合的

occasionally adv.偶然地;偶尔;有时






2. dragon /ˈdræɡən/ n.龙

3. Dragon-Boat Festival 端午节

4. graduation /ˌɡrædʒuˈeɪʃn/ n. 毕业

graduate:vt,给予……毕业,授予……学位。be graduated from

vi, 把……分等级。

n, 学位获得者,毕业生

a, 研究生的

graduated:a, 毕业生的,毕业了的,刻度的



He will have learned English for eight years by the time he ________from the university next year. (2002 上海)

A. will graduate B. will have graduated

C. graduates D. is to graduate


选C 该题测试将来时间状语用于时间状语从句中,从句中的谓语动词使用一般现在时代指将来时态的用法。一般情况下,当题中出现了将来时间状语时,常用一般将来时。但该题中将来时间状语next year干扰了考生的正常思维,给考生产生了定势,误导考生在A、B、C三个选项中徘徊。事实上,当一个状语从句中出现了将来时间状语时,主句常用将来时(一般将来时或过去将来时),而从句则用一般时态(一般现在时或一般过去时)或完成时态(现在完成时或过去完成时)

5. lunar /ˈluːnə/ adj.阴历的:月球的

6. lunar month 阴历月,农历月

7. barbecue /ˈbɑːbɪkjuː/ n.烧烤野餐

8. sticky /ˈstɪki/ adj.黏性的,黏的


stick to继续做, 坚持做, 坚守, 信守, 不走岔, 不离

stick with继续使用, 继续任用, 继续做, 坚守

stick around逗留, 坚持, 待在附近

stick to your guns不听别人劝告, 坚持己见, 一意孤行

stick your neck out做不保险的事, 说不保险的话, 冒险

stick in your mind经久不忘, 铭记在心





Bill is not a fast runner and he doesn't have a chance of winning the marathon, but he will _____ the race even if he finishes last.

A. stick to B. keep to C. stick out D.keep on

[答案] C. stick out.

[注释] stick out(=keep on doing sth。until it is done,no matter how long,hard,or unpleasant) 坚持下去: Mathematics is hard,but if you stick it out you will understanding it(=Mathematics is hard,but if you keep on working hard at it you will learn it.) 此外,stick on 还可表示 (stand out) 突出: The skyscraper sticks out against the bkue sky.(这幢摩天大楼映着蓝图显得格外突出.)

[注意] stick out与keep to 均有“坚持”的含义。stick out 特指“坚持下功夫干一件事,不完成决不收兵”;而keep to 则强调“坚持、遵守、坚守”诺言、规则、原则、精神、岗位。可见,keep to 的英文释义为 ability by;adhere to,stick closely to。例如: keep to one's promise(遵守诺言);keep to the rules of a game(遵守比赛规则);keep to a principle(坚持原则);keep one's pos(坚守岗位)。因此,我们可以说keep to相当于 stick to,而区别于 stick out.

9. adult. /ˈædʌlt/ n.成人,成年人

10. lantern /ˈlæntən/ n. 灯笼,提灯

11. pudding /ˈpʊdɪŋ/ n. 布丁;甜食,甜点心

12. turkey /ˈtɜːki/ n.火鸡

13. congratulation /kənˌɡrætʃuˈleɪʃən/ n.恭喜,祝贺

congratulation n.祝贺,恭贺(常用复数形式)

congratulations(to sb)on sth祝贺(某人)某事

congratulate sb on sth祝贺某人某事

congratulate oneself on(doing)sth庆幸自己(做)某事

14. decorate /ˈdekəreɪt/ vi.& vt. 装饰,布置,美化

decoration n.装饰,修饰

decorative a.装饰的;可作装饰的

decorate with (v.+prep.)用………装饰

decorate for (v.+prep.)因……………而装饰

decorate the house 装饰房间

15. tradition /trəˈdɪʃn/ n.传统

long tradition悠久的传统

by tradition按照传统;根据传统;按照当地风俗

oral tradition口语传统;口头传统;口述传统

ancient tradition古老的传统

glorious tradition光荣传统

classical tradition古典传统



traditional Chinese中国传统;传统汉语;中华传统

traditional Chinese medicine中国传统医学;传统中药;中医药

traditional culture传统文化

traditional medicine传统医学;传统医药

traditional method传统法;传统方法

Chinese traditional medicine传统中药;中国传统医学;中医药
